Pre-Defined Security Roles
Purpose & Scope
Pre-Defined Security Roles
The following are pre-defined security roles that can be edited at any time:

Champion Team Leader

Grants all permissions to a Champion Team Leader except Contributions

Champion Team Member

Grants advanced permissions including people editing and merge functions. All Champion Team members should have at least this role; possibly in combination with other individual permissions

Contributions Team

Grants permission to all areas of Giving and Contributions along with other general permission. Every member of the Contributions Team should have this role; possible in combination with other individual rights

General Access

Grants general access to Fellowship for a person not a member of the other listed teams

Pastoral Staff

Grants permissions to confidential sensitive information along with general access rights. All of the lead pastors should be assigned to this role
  • Note: To learn how to create new security roles, click here
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