My Account
Purpose & Scope
My Account

When logged into Fellowship One, clicking your Avatar (either your picture or your initials) in the top right-hand corner takes you to the My Account Page. Here you can change your password and manage notifications.

Change Passwords

To change your password:

  1. Click Avatar in bar displayed across top of Fellowship One
  2. Choose My Account and select the Password tab
  3. Type new password in New password field
  4. Re-enter new password in Confirm password field
  5. Click Save Password

Email Notifications

Three email notification options are available:

  • PRODUCT AND TRAINING UPDATES - this option will provide your email address to FellowshipOne so that you may be kept up-to-date on product training and enhancement updates.
  • ASSIGNED CONTACTS: CREATED, UPDATED, OR CLOSED - this option works with the Contact Management process. Selecting this check box will send you an email notification any time a contact assigned to you is entered into Fellowship One. Notifications are sent any time a contact assigned to you is updated or closed by another Fellowship One user.
  • ASSIGNED VOLUNTEER APPLICANTS - this option works with the Volunteer Pipeline. Selecting this box will notify you of any new applications to an opportunity which you have Follow-Up Responsibility for.

To enable email notifications simply select the Check Box beside the option you want to enable and click Save Notifications

Additional Comments

Password Details

In Fellowship One, passwords must follow the conventions listed below. If any password is entered that does not meet these conventions, it is rejected.

  • 8 characters (letters, numbers, and special characters) in length
  • Contain at least one special character (! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) * < > , . ? / \ _ - ; :)
  • Contain at least one capital letter and at least one lower case letter
  • Contain at least one number