European Union Cookie Law
Purpose & Scope
European Union Cookie Law
In compliance with the European Union Cookie Directive, FellowshipOne has added the required information to inform users that their data is being captured.

All companies that market to EU citizens and use cookies or other tracking technologies to gather info on them must:
  • Inform customers their data is being processed
  • Get consumer consent prior to storing or accessing information on the consumer's computer or other device
  • Give consumers access to their data to correct it or delete it
  • Use consumer data on for disclosed purpose
  • Get "Informed Consent" - before the cookie or other tracking technology is placed on the user's computer

Business Rules:

FellowshipOne follows these business rules:
  • Upon accessing web applications, Fellowship One detects the users location based on the church code and then provides the Cookie Acceptance page if applicable
  • We provide a list of the cookies that will be used
  • Users are prompted to reaffirm after 8 months (240 days)
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