Video: Topic - Contributions
Purpose & Scope
Topic - Contributions

Topic: Contributions

  1. Introduction to Contributions
    1. Introduction to Contributions
    2. Setting up Funds
    3. Setting up Sub-Funds
  2. Entering Contributions
    1. The Sort
    2. Contributions - Manual Entry
    3. The Contributions Application - Entering Contributions
    4. The Contributions Application - Posting Contributions in Portal
  3. Online Giving in InFellowship
    1. Online Giving Overview: Weighing your Options and Enabling Features
    2. Give Now with an Account and Scheduled Giving
    3. Online Giving Overview: Give Now without an Account
    4. Giving Online
  4. Managing Pledge Drives
    1. Managing Pledge Drives
  5. December 2013 Contributions Statement Webinar
    1. December 2013 Giving Statement Webinar - Traditional Statements
    2. December 2013 Giving Statement Webinar - Online Statements
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